About Us
Here At Difference Maker Solutions
We leverage on state-of-the-art technologies to provide services that satisfactorily meet our client's demands for reliable and cost effective energy, information technology and telecommunication needs.
Our Vision is to
be the preferred paragon provider of reliable electric power supply, information technology and telecom integration solutions, in Nigeria.
Our Mission is to
deliver business enhancing solutions with cost effectiveness and assured quality.
We ensure consistent high-level performance of all products and services from design through installation of solutions and implementation.
We work to consistently exceed customers expectations in our service offerings and ensure that our clients benefit maximally from our solutions.
Well structured quality management runs through our entire process from solution recommendation and design through to implementation.
Our cutting edge research and development unit is always on the look out for the next solution to individual and business, power and technology needs.
Our clients are assured of bespoke, creative solutions where everyday solutions are not suitable to meet their present challenges.